Arenadata DB (ADB) is a distributed DBMS that uses the concept of MPP (massively parallel processing) and is based on an open source database – Greenplum.
ADB is designed to store, process and analyze large amounts of structured and semi-structured data. Using the processing power of several servers (from two to hundreds), an advanced query optimizer and a flexible data backup system – allows ADB to provide the highest level of performance and reliability.
ADB stores and processes large amounts of data, distributing the load to individual logical segments located on cluster servers. Each segment of the cluster is a separate database, synchronized with other segments in the cluster. The orchestration, management and synchronization of all components in the cluster is handled by a separate segment – master, which is also the PostgreSQL DBMS. Thanks to this almost all applications and systems designed to work with PostgreSQL support work with ADB. Such compatibility ensures high development of the infrastructure around ADB and simplicity of migration from other analytical databases. A flexible backup system allows to deploy a cluster with a pre-specified level of fault tolerance, allowing the DBMS to work even in case of failure of half of the servers from the cluster.
A larger choice of storage strategies in ADB provides the necessary performance at all stages of the data life cycle – from obtaining new online data, storing master data with different compression levels, to exporting archived data to the Hadoop cluster.
ADB is supplied with all of the necessary administrative tools for monitoring, management, automation and analytics.
Built on the core of Greenplum, which has proven itself by working in high-load projects around the world, ADB uses the experience of architects, administrators, and programmers to become the best distributed database for analytical tasks.