Arenadata consultants have extensive expertise in building data platforms. This helped them to optimize the IQ Option cluster and adjust its architecture to the load model, to refine the data storage model. Due to this, it was possible to speed up the processing of individual requests by 9-10 times.
IQ Option is one of the fastest growing online trading companies in the world. Thanks to an advanced client trading platform available in the web version and in the mobile app, IQ Option provides all 25 million of its clients with the necessary tools for efficient trading. The speed, accuracy and reliability of the platform are also ensured by the data storage and processing infrastructure. For these purposes, the company uses a well-established mass-parallel relational database with open source.
“The main criterion for the efficiency of the analytical database for us is speed. That is why we pay so much attention to optimizing the DBMS itself and all the running queries. But it is not always possible to cope only by internal forces – some questions require a deepest knowledge of the DBMS architecture, and usually such questions can be answered only by the DBMS developer. The Arenadata team is just one of the committers of the Greenplum DBMS project, so we invited them for help. The experts corrected the cluster architecture for the load profile, helped with the finalization of the data storage model, with the optimization of the cluster and many others. Due to this, it was possible to significantly increase the performance of the entire DBMS as a whole, and the processing of particularly critical queries was accelerated by 9-10 times. Now we are sure that we are squeezing the maximum performance out of our cluster,” – Natalia Gavrilova, Head of Data Science at IQ Option.